Ensuring the Safety of Commercial Buildings

Published on 14 January 2022

Building Warrant of Fitness UHCC.jpg

Important update for commercial building owners.

Council Officers are working in the community to inspect building warrant of fitnesses. 

Commercial building owners will be aware that independently qualified persons (IQPs) audit systems in your building like automatic doors, emergency lights, lifts and sprinkler systems to make sure they are safe and operating properly. 

The Building Act 2004 requires building owners test these systems and have compliance schedules and an annual building warrant of fitness in place. 

Council’s role is to undertake random audits of these buildings and documentation (this is included in section 111 of the Act) and can charge a fee for this service. Generally, we aim to audit logbooks every 24 months. 

Over the coming months please expect to hear from our team who will come on-site. 

For more information visit the Building Warrant of Fitness webpage. 

If you have any questions for the team, please get in touch with us