Road works and closures

Road closures for events

If you are planning an event that requires a road closure, you need to apply to Council for permission. 

Please email your request to and give as many details as possible: date, time, event, participants, etc.

Council is required to advertise the application in a local paper and give the community time to make a submission for or against the road closure. Council will also contact landowners in the area affected by the road closure. 

Once this information has been received, the application will either go to a Council Committee or a Council meeting for a decision.

There are costs associated with this process: advertising, road closed signs, and postage.

Traffic Management and Public Liability insurance are also conditions of a road closure for an event, and these are organised by the applicant at their expense.

This process can take a number of weeks to complete, especially if it has to go to a Council meeting. 

Please send your request through at least 10-12 weeks prior to the event.


Approved road closures 


Pursuant to the 10th Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974, the following roads will be closed to vehicular traffic on Friday 25 April 2025 from 5.00am to 9.00am for the ANZAC Day Parade and Dawn Service:

• Fergusson Drive—between the Princes Street roundabout and Blenheim Street roundabout

• Wilson Street from Criterion and Bradley Service Lanes to Fergusson Drive




Road closure applications seeking approval

There are currently no new road closure applications seeking approval.


Major roadworks in progress

From time to time a temporary road closure may be required to allow for physical road works and local events. There may be some disruption to traffic as speed is reduced while going through or next to a work site. Stop/go traffic flow will be in place where required. All work is weather dependent and time frames may extend due to this.

This work is weather dependent.

You can view ALL maintenance work for Wellington and Wairarapa on the NZTA website


Katherine Mansfield Drive Upgrade

The first section of Katherine Mansfield Drive was upgraded and properly formed a number of years ago. Council is now working on an upgrade of the next section that was previously private land. For more information visit the Katherine Mansfield Drive Upgrade project page.


Water supply and wastewater projects

For information on water projects in and around Upper Hutt, please visit Wellington Water Projects


Forward Works Programme

If road resurfacing works are planned for your street, we’ll let you know closer to the time. You will receive a preliminary notice in your letterbox at least 48 hours beforehand advising you of the dates and times.

There may be changes to the programme with sites added or deferred to a later year to accommodate necessary scheduling.